Why a blog?

Because blogs save paper! The purpose of this blog is to inform others about how they can reduce their consumption and make their lives a little bit greener. We are trying to green our lives and will share our experiences and what we have learned.

Green Fashion

                      Green Fashion :^)

Organic Fashion is not just a passing trend; it is helping to save our environment.

    Organic agriculture protects the health of people and the planet by reducing the overall exposure to toxic chemicals from synthetic pesticides that can end up in the ground, air , water and food supply , and that are associated with health consequences from , asthma to cancer. Because organic agriculture doesn’t use toxic and persistent pesticides, choosing organic production easy way to help protect yourself
·     Hemp, bamboo and recycled soda pop bottles are also being made into t-shirts, pants, skirts, blouses, and dresses 

Here are some good websites:

Contributions by Joachris